Putting the seams of ceramic tiles do it yourself Tile

Grout of seams of ceramic tiles is the cleanest and most pleasant work when finishing the premises with tiles. Careless putting spoil the type of tile, as if qualitatively, it was not laid.
Do not take the time to stripping seams from tiled glue. Decide which grouting it is more convenient to work. Pick up the appropriate color. Follow the necessary tools and proceed to work.
What is the grout for ceramic tiles
Cement Zatirki.
Dry grout mixture on a cement basis. The mixture is divorced by water. Produced in packages of 1 and 2 kg.
Good feedback from grouting for seams of ceramic tile brand Cerezit (Ceresit). The finished mixture is elastic. The grout color does not change over time. Grouting is not very quickly grasped - it makes it possible to easily remove the surplus surplus and not spend time on the extra mixing of the mixture.
Cresto sales (Kesto) - Finland on sale comes ready for use. In the color range of 26 colors. Produced in containers 1, 3, 10 and 20 kg. Ready to use. At cost, ready-made building mixes are always more expensive dry. But in the finished grout proportions are correct, there are no concerns that you spoil it when they are stuck. The time of setting the grouts, ready to use, much more than the grouts prepared from the dry mixture.
To fill the seams width of more than 5 mm, cement grouts are used with sand adding. Such grouts are roasty and used for facade and street work. Sand grout happens gray and white.
Ultracolor Plus TM Mapei grout has in its composition polymer additives and water repellent. Very quickly grabbing. When working such a grout, remove its surplus immediately, without waiting for drying. When removing frozen grouts with embossed tiles, you damage enamel.
Epoxy grouts
The composition of epoxy grout includes hardener and epoxy resins. Released in Vendra. Ready to use. Grouting viscous, very quickly solidifies. Working such a grout is more difficult than cement. Epoxy grout is not filled with seams less than 4mm. Epoxy grouts are more resistant to moisture than cement.
The price of grouts for seams of ceramic tile depends on its composition and color. Epoxy grouts are several times more expensive than cement.
Epoxy Magnifier Litokol Litochrom Starlike Litokol Litochrom Starlike). Suitable for stagging seams from 1 to 15mm. Easily cleaned with tiles until hardening. Consists of two components - catalyst and paste, which are mixed before starting work. Both components caustic. When entering the skin causes strong irritation.
A large number of colors - 95 options, including metallic colors. It has good mechanical and chemical stability.
This grout weighing 2,5 kg will cost you about 2 thousand rubles. Consumption, depending on the tile, from 400 grams to 1 kg per square meter.
Tile grout
Consumption of grouts for seams of ceramic tile depends on the size of the tile, its thickness and width of the seams between the tiles. On the smooth tile, the flow rate is less than the embossed. The smooth tile of standard sizes with a width of the seams of 1.5 -2 mm will leave from 300 grams of dry core mixture.
When grouting mosaics, the mixture consumption increases. The floor tile is thicker and seams are usually wider than on the wall, so the grout is calculated at least 400 grams per square. For any calculations, it is accurately determined to determine the flow rate is difficult.
Select the color of the grout
The choice of grout color for seams of ceramic tiles is of great importance. The grout color is selected in tile tone. Each grout producer releases the coloration of the colors of the grout, according to which you can easily pick the desired color.
A contrast color is often used for grouting tiles of standard sizes. Contrast gives the rigor and expressiveness of the surface. But when the tile is laid poorly and the seams are uneven, the contrasting color of the grout will emphasize all the shortcomings of the work.
For a smooth mosaic applied to another shade. If a mosaic has an interesting embossed structure to pick up a tilt tile - then the structure will be well noticeable. The contrasting color will emphasize the size of the tiles, but the texture of the tile is lost. Glass or translucent mosaic is rubbed by transparent grout.
To make it easier to decide on the color, take a piece of tiles into the store. Do not buy immediately grout for the whole surface. Sometimes the selected color does not fit the tile. Buy the smallest packaging - 1 kg. Spell a small plot. If the grout is well combined with a tile - buy already on the whole area. Having generated the grout packaging, you will already have an idea of \u200b\u200bhow to buy a mixture.
If you were able to put the tile yourself, then putting the seams of ceramic tiles with your own hands for you of great work.
To the grout of the seams on the tile, proceed on the second day after laying the tiles. The solidification time of glue depends on the room temperature and from the layer thickness. Make sure that the tile is firmly held, the glue grabbed well.
In case of incomplete grasp adhesion, the removal of seams from the seams can cause tile sliding. It is impossible to step on the sex tile until the glue is dry.
Do not postpone the tile grout for a long time. Fully dried glue is difficult to remove from the seams. You can damage enamel on the edges of the tile. If there is no time for the tile grout, you still clean the seams. Prepared seams can be lost in the day or another. Do not pull with the grout of the seams of floor tiles. Dust and garbage will fall into the stripped seams that will have to delete.
The glue is removed to the entire thickness of the tile - so the grout will be better held. The remnants of glue in the seams worsen the quality of the grout. With uneven cleaning of the seam on the grout after drying, spots appear.
- figure spatula for cleaning seams
- floors or pliers
- gloves
- plipping blade and tank for kneading grouts
- rubber spatula
- spatula for splitting seams
- thorough sponge
- small sandpaper
Operating procedure
• Curly spatula or knife for seams, remove crossbars and tile glue between tiles. Sleeping crosses are removed by pliers or lipplants.
Such a knife is good to remove hardened glue.
Fresh, not dry glue is easily removed by a curly spatula.
• Pour water into the container. Rectangular containers for products are well suited for this purpose. Put the grout. Mix well with a slurry blade. Let it stand for 5-7 minutes, mix again.
We mix the mixture with minor portions. Do not add excess water. Grout must have a consistency of thick sour cream.
• Rubber spatula Fill in a seam mixture between tiles. Hand moves must go perpendicular to the seam. Purify the grout in the seam so that no emptiness remains. When the seam is filled with grout, remove its surplus. To do this, swipe along the seam line.
Grouting can be applied by a clutter grave. Quickly, but harder to fill in a fully seam.
• Stip the grout in the seams. In packages with a mixture of manufacturer Kesto, round rubber spatulas are sold.
It is also possible to find a set of spatulas for grouting seams.
Do not smooth your finger. Cement, which is part of the mixture quickly corrosive hands.
• Remove with a wet sponge grip from the tile. Do not allow grout drying. The dry grout is hardly removed from embossed surfaces. Make a sponge with water more often.
• Do not use sandpaper to remove the tile grout. When removing the dried grout using sandpaper, scratches appear on its surface.
• After the final grout drying, pass the seams with small sandpaper. For convenience, wrap the rubber spatula with sandpaper and the spatula rib sweat the seams. This is done in order to remove unevenness, and the seams became smoother.
Video. Ceramic tile stamps.
Working with epoxy grout lithocol Litochrome Starlike.
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When cooking grouting, in a measured amount of water,
Portions, falling asleep and stirred the required amount of grout.
In the video "Grout of the seams" pour water into the grout, it is incorrect.