How to strengthen the old foundation Construction

Strengthening is a good way to avoid complete replacement of the foundation, which is poured by the owners in a round sum. In order to highily strengthen the existing old foundation, it is necessary to deal with the factors that influenced its deformation and, if possible, eliminate their action.
Causes of partial fracture of the foundation:
- Incorrect design of the foundation (incorrect loading for the base);
- errors during the construction;
- conducting earthworks in close proximity to the existing basis (laying of water supply, sewage);
- change soil characteristics, groundwater level.
Change (more often than the increase) of the level of groundwater due to protracted rains affects such an indicator as a trimming. It causes uneven extrusion of the foundation of the house from the soil and skewing the design. In this case, the device of the drainage system and waterproofing of the foundation will be justified if they were not laid during the construction of the house, before it is gained. It is also necessary to conduct research of the land plot that will help to identify the presence of different types under the soil house. Depending on their results, a decision will be made on how to properly strengthen the foundation. To determine the way to enhance the foundation and the expediency of this event, some exquisition activities are needed regarding the foundation and construction in general.
Preliminary examination of the enhanced foundation:
1. Overhead. This study helps to assess the size of the building and the state of the supporting structures, to determine the load actually acting on the foundation and identify cracks and skews indicating problems with the foundation.
2. Underground examination determines the design and scope of the base, the material used in the device, and the characteristics of such indicators as the strength and depth of the occurrence.
There are situations where the old foundation needs to be strengthened regardless of its condition:
- strengthening the load on the foundation (for example, as a result of the superstructure of the floors);
- the sediment of the building within the limits exceeding the permissible;
- the emergence near the house or inside it is the source of vibrations (for example, construction near the metro lines).
Before starting work on the strengthening of a weak foundation, it is worth finding out whether the shrinkage of the foundation ended. For this, across the existing cracks establish gypsum beacons and over the month are observed for them: if the flaws on them did not appear, it means that you can begin work.
Partial and complete discharge of the foundation
The final chord of the preparatory work becomes partial or complete unloading of the foundation of the old house, helps to avoid various kinds of deformations when carrying out amplifying events. With partial unloading of the house, wooden supports and saws (wooden or metal) are used.
To do this, in the basement at a distance from the wall in 2 m, the support "pillows" are installed, the support bar is placed on them and fasten the rack, which is connected to the overlap of the run. Racks are connected to the supporting timber clins. Thus, the racks are installed on each floor of the building, and, strictly over each other.
Full unloading of the foundation is the installation of metal rand beams in the walls of the house and hanging the walls to reinforced concrete beams. Under the thair nearby the walls of the walls make their way stages on both sides and rand beams are stacked in them, fastened every 1-2 m bolts with a cross section of 20-25 mm.
To unload the foundation, the locations of the beams are welded with special metalized overlays, and the space between the wall and the beam is poured with cement-sandy solution. At the next stage, the walls in two or three meters are breaking through wells in which the beams are inserted. Cross beams are installed on the support pillows on both sides of the wall. The load at the same way will be removed by jacks or wedges, and transmitted to the design described. As a rule, enhance the foundation of the old house built by a ribbon method from butte stone, brick or reinforced concrete solution. At the same time, the base of the house needs a partial replacement, plot of the solution or updating masonry.
Methods for amplifying a belt foundation:
- piles (microsans);
- cement "shirt";
- broadening the soles of the base;
- cementation;
- opening;
- closure (with broadening or without broadening soles);
- summing up structural elements, new foundations;
- torcretbeton.
How to strengthen the foundation of the house pile video
How to strengthen the foundation of the house pile
Device of booming piles (microse). The diameter of such piles varies from 150 to 300 mm and the convenience of their use is achieved by combining the drilling process with the injection of the solution into the well. At the same time, special drilling rods remain inside the pile and give it additional amplification.
Installation of additional burbilling piles.
The technology of their use is to drill wells around the perimeter of the foundation both from the inside of the building and outside. During operation, special drilling rigs, producing holes every and a half meters depth of about two meters. A reinforcement pin is placed in the formative voids, which is poured by concrete solution. Then the whole design is attached to the base anchors.
Using piles pressed. They apply if there is a need to transmit the load on deeply occurring solid soils, and this amplification is carried out by special equipment.
For better conjugation of the base and piles, they establish transverse or rand beams in the foundation or wall.
With the help of remote piles. When the groundwater level is high, the foundation is carried out on piles, passing through it a reinforced concrete beam, which becomes a link. By summing up piles under an existing foundation.
Metal tubular piles are asked simultaneously from two sides of the foundation by welding sections using a special jack. For these purposes, the reinforced concrete belt is organized, structurally connected to the beams in which the jacks should be dried.
Strengthening the foundation of the house by reinforced concrete "shirt"
This method is quite effective both to strengthen the fallen part of the foundation and for the partial increase in the walls. It is in the device of reinforced concrete clip: notches are applied to the prepared surface of the foundation, and on notes - the reinforcement grid poured with concrete.
Sewage soles base
The foundation is placed on the captures every 2.5-3 m. Then it is then made alternately pumping through the capture. On the entire perimeter, the trench is broken, partially falling asleep by rubble. The foundation makes holes and metal pins are inserted into them, and the cross beams are stacked between the wall and the foundation, which is welded a longitudinal beam. A formwork is installed in the trench and shed concrete.
The simplicity of the method is to fill with cement mortar cavities formed between bricks or butt, as well as the lubing of small cracks of the reinforced concrete foundation.
It is used for brick (butte) tape foundations. With minor masonry damage, it is replaced by a new one. Both cementation and the panjet is allowed only for foundations that have retained a normal bearing capacity.
Obiama (with broadening or without broadening soles)
The method whose principle is similar to the "shirt" is based on the same invigays. It can be performed both on the one side of the base and from two.
Summing up structural elements
The monolithic or reinforced concrete plates are installed on a pre-aligned base every 1.5-2 m. The gap between the plates and the base sole is poured with a strong cement-sandy sophisticated brand. For the device of a rigid monolithic pillow on the prepared base, the reinforcement grid, formwork and poured a concrete mixture. Seal concrete mix by vibration. Concreting the design by 100-150 mm above the sole of the foundation.
A trench of 1.5 m wide is digging around the foundation, the laying is carefully cleaned, additional notches are applied (this will improve the adhesion of concrete with the base) and with the use of the gun concrete is applied to the surface.
How to strengthen the old foundation video