How to choose a pump to enhance water pressure Instruments

No one can normally exist without water. Therefore, when buying or building a dwelling, the water supply to it is a priority, which can be carried out only if there is a well or well. When the water source is constructed, you need to equip it with a pump. But how to choose it? About this below.
General information about which water pressure pump can be
All pumping equipment is mainly intended for the supply of water into the building of the house or cottage, as well as to enhance water pressure in the existing water supply. Distinguish pumps and other water supply equipment by type, manufacturer and direct use. At the same time, the pump itself for the pressure of water and the price of it is now in the largest ranges.
On the diameter of the pumps and the length of their cable
Pumps to increase water pressure differ most often in diameter and construct. From large pumps that can be used to connect the water supply system of the "Kesson" type, four-level units are allocated. They are powerful and give a large amount of water in a short gap.
From medium-type pumps, three-thyme aggregates, differing in some constructive details, for example, in length and cable presence are possible. In addition, the cable on pumps can be two types - food and not food. The latter withstands not long (up to 5 years) in water without swelling, but the food cable is practically not changed in water even for dozens of years. Speaking about the length of the cable on the pumps, it can be noted that it happens different. If we are talking about the food cable, then only a meter of such a wire is installed on the pumps. Using a heat-resistant clutch to this piece of cable, you can easily connect the wire of the required length. A pump to improve water pressure with a non-food cable, usually comes with a standard wire length.
Impeller pumps
Pumps may differ in their internal components. So, impellers, due to which water is pumping, there are textolite and iron. The first category of impeller is used in those pumps that swing clean water, because the material of which they are made can quickly wear in water with sand impurities. For such water, it is better to use pumps with metal impellers who are not afraid of small and solid particles.
In general, the pump for water pressure and the device of this unit is quite difficult, so the simple user go into its internal characteristics to anything.
Power pumps
In the pump line from each manufacturer there are aggregates that have different power. There are pumps feeding water from small depths - up to 10 meters. However, there are also those whose power allows you to quietly swing water from a depth of about 50 meters. Therefore, when a pump is selected, it is necessary to proceed from the well parameters in depth. The pump for water pressure and the cost of this unit, the buyer will help to calculate in almost every specialized supermarket.
Accessories without which the pump to enhance water will not work normally
Important spare parts for proper operation of pumps are fittings. These are nodes by which the pump can be connected to the feed water pipe. Fittings can be both brass and plastic. The first type of these components of the water supply system is best used in the premises. Brass fittings withstand the impact on them of various aggressive media, so they can be freely applied on the street.
Check valves, as well as fittings, can be made of metal and plastics. Brass, unlike plastic stronger and more durable, so it is best to apply the return valve from this alloy to constantly water supply at home. By the way, the check valve is used to ensure that water can be kept in the pipe.
And finally, the water pipe. This accessory is one of the main in the whole system, because without it the water is not possible to put in the room. It is worth choosing such a pipe that has a homogeneous wall thickness, to break which is not capable of even high pressure.
To hold the pump in the well, you must need a cable. It is bought from stainless steel, because it will almost always be in the water. It is best to choose a cable without plastic strip, with a fastener of which homutics, possibly slipping and less likely to drop the pump in the well. To select a pump for water pressure, photo it, you need to view several times in specialized magazines or using the Internet.
Auxiliary equipment for the pump
For automatic water supply work at home directly to the system necessarily put the relay of the automation. It helps to adjust the flow of water and turn off the pump. The relay can be with a pressure gauge to control the pressure and without it.
The cumulative tank or hydraulico is used to temporarily accumulate water during system downtime. When the water supply is turned on, the water in the hydraulicock is spent primarily, so the pump does not turn on and is alone. This makes it possible to save the resource of its work. Using the cumulative tank, adjust the number of inclusions and disable system.
Conditions in which it is necessary to buy a pump for water pressure
The most common reason that encourages buying pumps to increase water pressure, banal - reducing water pressure in the crane. Water seems to be, but its pressure is too weak to ensure that the entire system function normally. If we are talking about a private house, then when choosing a pump, you need to consult from specialists about the exact characteristics of the well, because the incorrectly chosen pump pump can cause either the rapid absorption of all the water of their source and the owners will have to wait for some time until it is renovated, or vice versa , Her lack.
If the well is large, and therefore water pressure is not as required, then to enhance the water supply, they put an additional pump on the storage tank.
This pump will help the deep aggregate in the distribution of water directly on the room, and thereby much will increase the service life of the main pump.
About the most famous manufacturers of pumps (as a conclusion)
The spectrum of pumps represented now in the plumbing market is very wide. This is expressed in a large variation of prices for pumps, their quality and manufacturer countries. The Russian market is oversaturated with different types of pumps for deep water supply. For example, the most popular, the pumps from Italy are considered. LOWARA and WILO firms play a leading role in the total diversity of Italian pumping devices, followed by the prevalence of such manufacturers as "nocchi", "Calpeda" and "Pedrollo".
Enjoy popular and pumps from Ukraine, not to mention our, Russian manufacturers. You can specify specific brands of pumps: Aquarius, Dolphin, Sprut and ECV. Also, we can say a few words about the Chinese "Aquatic" pumps. These are aggregates that have a small price and good source characteristics. Not badly shown when using the pumps "Grundfos" from Denmark and "Needle" from England
Well, at the end of the article it is worth viewing an interesting file on request: a pump for water pressure video.