What a benzogenerator is better Instruments

The benzenerator, undoubtedly - an indispensable device in the absence of any power sources. It, as a rule, is used in the sudden disconnection of electricity in the house or in the country, as well as in the campaign, fishing and in other remote places to recharging and the short work of various electrical appliances. The benzogenerator is a compact, portable, easy-to-use equipment that uses gasoline with any octane number as fuel.
Today the market offers a wide variety of models of such devices. Therefore, when choosing most consumers, the question arises, what is the benzogenerator better? Let's try to further give a few useful tips, how to choose a benzogenerator correctly.
Technical parameters of benzogenerators
First of all, choosing any equipment, it is necessary to pay for its main technical parameters. As for the benzogenerators, the most important for them are: power, type of cooling, phase, duration of work.
Power and engine type
This indicator is one of the main, which is worth considering when choosing such equipment. It depends on the magnitude of the load, which is planned to be consequeled to it. To determine the minimum required power of the benzogenerator, the power of basic energy consumers and the obtained value is multiplied by 1.5-2.
Low power (from 1 kW) devices are 2-stroke gasoline generators who have accessible cost and more suitable for tourism and fishing. The most powerful electrical installations (9-15 kW) are designed for professional use. They have a large margin of strength and have a four-stroke double-cylinder engine. Naturally, the cost of such equipment is several times higher than less powerful benzogenerators.
Type of cooling
There are two types of benzogenerators:
- air cooling;
- watery cooling.
- The first is characterized by the compactness of the device and low weight, so they are most suitable for hiking and fishing. Their power is small and make up approximately 1 kW.
- Water-cooled benzogenerators accordingly more overall. They are most often used as a reserve source of power supply at the cottage or in a private house.
The opening time of the benzenerator
This indicator determines the duration of the continuous operation of the gasoline generator and depends on the volume of the tank, as well as the type of cooling.
- The leaders in this area are water-cooled devices that can work almost without stopping.
- Air-cooled benzogenerators need break every 8-10 hours of operation.
Phase benzenerator
Benzogenerators can be single-phase and three-phase.
- The first are used when servicing single-phase systems to provide electricity defined.
- Three-phase devices are suitable for installation in country cottages. They most often provide a separate output for single-phase voltage, which significantly expands its functionality.
The selection of this or that device also depends on the type of wiring. For example, if a single-phase generator is proposed for emergency electricity supply, and three-phase wiring, then all the most important consumers must be connected to one phase.
The launch method of the benzenerator
Benzogenerator settings are distinguished:
- with manual launch, which can be powered by cord and physical strength;
- with electrical launch due to the built-in electric starter. This type of equipment is suitable for use weak gender or persons that have physical dysfunctions (disabled);
- automatic - launch occurs without human participation. These are the most convenient in the use of the device, however, they are the most expensive among all.
Type of alternator
Modern benzogenerators can be equipped with a synchronous or asynchronous alternator, which causes some features of these devices.
- In particular, the installation with an asynchronous alternator is considered the most simple, as well as they have an excellent level of protection against external conditions (moisture and dust). In addition, this type of equipment is more resistant to overloads and possible short circuits during operation.
Synchronous benzogenerators on the contrary, have a more complex design. At the same time, they are best adapted to start overloads and generate a current of the right shape.
Brand brand manufacturer
The most popular manufacturers of modern benzogenerators can be considered the following trademarks: Honda, Yamaha (Japan), Fubag, Geko (Germany), SDMO (France), Hyundai (Korea) and many others. They have a lot of positive consumer feedback.
Benzogenerator Honda.
- Japanese benzogenerators are distinguished by high quality, a large service life, relatively low noise, environmental friendliness and automated workflow, including an automatic self-control system and emergency disconnection.
- Such devices can be used as for short-term emergency power supply and in conditions of complete absence of power supply.
- A wide range of model allows everyone to choose equipment for different needs and different power from 0.7 to 12 kW.
- The lack of such devices is their high cost.
Benzogenerator Yamaha.
- Yamaha electric generators are economical, durable, low-noise and easy-to-maintenance devices that are fully manufactured in Japan.
- They are characterized by excellent quality and reliability in work, and also intended mainly for professional use. The cost of such equipment is quite high.
Benzogenerator Geko.
Another type of benzogenerators that belong to professional equipment.
- Such aggregates have proven themselves from the best side, like trouble-free, durable, highly efficient sources of electricity.
- Moreover, they are capable of working in any climatic conditions, both in the North Pole and in a wet tropical environment.
- GEKO benzogenerators are actively used by firefighters, rescuers, military in heavy hiking.
SDMO benzenener
SDMO production gasoline electric generators have a number of advantages that attract many buyers.
- This is primarily compacting their size, low weight, low-noise work, etc.
- Such devices perfectly proven themselves as a backup power supply for a short period of time.
- Many models of SDMO gasoline generators have automatic inclusion in case of random interruptions with electricity supply, which is very convenient.
Hyundai benzenerator
Korean production benzogenerators have the main qualities of any device - this is reliability, high quality and performance.
- They also differ also available worth, efficiency, long service life.
- Due to small size and low weight, such installations are suitable for tourist hikes, fishing, etc., as well as in case of emergency power outage for a short period of time.
Some more information about which generator is better you can learn on the video:
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Everything is not quite as written here. The generator must be selected like this:
Fold in a bunch-to pay all the power you want to connect to the generator. We must take into account the so-called starting currents. It is present on all electric motors. For example, a fridge, which in the passport is written 500 W when starting the compressor consumes 1 kW of 500 W. Also with pumps, especially cheap. Inverter generators are small-power, small current. In order not to go into scientific advice, I will say simply for giving and at home it is not applicable. Gas generators are TTE and gasoline generators, only a gas carburetor is delivered. Such a generator will not work from cylinders or a gasgolder, because the gas in these tanks is far from the norm. From the gas network will work, but actually need a project to connect to networks. It costs money. If you simply have to get together, then it's so stiff ... anyway calculates. Again, the meter needs to be special, otherwise your counter (it is not a simple counting) will not miss the desired gas volume for the generator. Diesel generators (small) are expensive. Features are the same as gasoline, only fuel "eat" less, but cost 3 times more expensive. Yes, even now, except Yanmar (Japan), the rest is all Chinese low-quality. In the main Veda engine Lombargini. It has nothing to do with the sports car, even writes differently. Divorce of suckers. Now about gasoline generators. Gasoline generators can be taken, but there are tricks. Engines on gasoline generators can be single-cylinder and two-cylinder. It hangs from power. Generrators over 7 kW should be on a two-cylinder engine otherwise they or will not give the declared power, or every time will break. Two cylinder engines are clear what is more expensive. Now by manufacturers. Firms Generator manufacturers are all known, as well as automotive. This is Geko (Germany), Eisemann (Germany), SDMO (France) Pramac (Italy). It is clear that it is expensive. There is another ABL Russia-Italy company - this is a normal St. Petersburg company, the quality is good, the appearance of the truth is like all Russian. Completing Italian, and the assembly and design of Russia. They are cheaper. Everything else is the Chinese ... here refers to Makita, Suzuki, Yamaha - which in Japan are not suspected that they produce generators, and very much surprised this, Brigs is also surprised that the generators are sold so cheap, because they only supply the generators For branded generators, and the generators themselves are not released. Endress, HUTER, HUNDAY is generally sucks sucks! In all these pseudo branded generators, there are many all sorts of pitfalls. Here is one of them, about which even sellers themselves know (especially the lack of online stores). In these generators 2 phase ie 110 V in each outlet of the outlet. 110 + 110 \u003d 220V. This is the so-called American. The main thing is that it is fraught, the energy is not stable, all the devices are burning, or simply "do not see such generators" it all concerns small generators. Remember something. That all these small diesel generators, gas, gasoline according to the instructions can work continuously 8 hours. This is due to the engine design, and not because of the manufacturer. Those sellers who write more, seen "Continuous work for 14 hours" this divorce is full. Therefore, sellers are not competent, or the generator is g., What's all the same to write. Do not enter. What works for a long time it costs half a million. Better buy two small and "chase them in turn" will be cheaper. I do this from Abl, I have two of them, one is smaller - when consumption is less, the other for the day. I wish everyone good luck
Techman - a lot of text. I propose a clip: 1) to calculate the exemplary power consumed. 2) Add about 50% to it. 3) Decide with the generator type (if power from 2 more than 6 kW, more economical to take diesel) 4) Decide on the company and price (I propose to see options here http://www.sklad-generator.ru/ ). Also options with used suitable. 5) enjoy fun.
* In all these pseudo branded generators, there are many all sorts of pitfalls. * Yes, however, it's true. All of them from China are carrying! Just the brands change, and in the price tag, two zeros are added. I have not met a real quality product with China.