Search for water on the plot: how to find water for the well Plot

The quality of the current tap water leaves much to be desired, and the prices for it are far away. Owners of apartments in high-rise buildings can only come to terms with the situation and try to a little to adjust the installation of meters and filters. At the same time, those who have their own home and water consumption is much more, an alternative solution is open - drilling its own well. If such an opportunity exists, you will certainly use such an idea and embody it in life. The first is your step in this case - search for water on the site. How to do with minimal cost, you will learn from this article.
Features of the structure of soils
To understand why the procedure for finding a suitable place for drilling a well to water is so important, just to learn a little theory about the structure of the soil:
- the soil consists of several layers - sand, clay, stones;
- the aquifer is located in the sandy layer, the width of which can vary on different sections of the site due to height drops, bends, surface relief features.
At what depth you can take water?
Not in vain, many entrust the search for water on the site by professionals-geodesists. Not every found water is suitable for domestic use, besides, the size of the aquifer may vary depending on the depth.
So that you have more clearly understood what exactly you have to seek, read the following information:
- Depth 2-2.5 meters. Here you can find aquifer, but use it into everyday life, and even more so for drinking, it is unacceptable. This part of the soil accumulates a lot of harmful impurities from sewage drain, melting snow and rainwater. In addition, these layers are distinguished by instability, that is, there is no confidence that the source after the money spent on the drilling of the well is not running out after six months.
- Depth of 15 meters. The most suitable heightening height for pure water extraction for personal needs. The thickness of the sandy layer at this level is usually sufficient to preserve the stable saturation of moisture, and the remoteness from the surface eliminates the penetration of harmful chemicals and emissions into water.
Important! If you are determined and not going to bother yourself with additional troubles, it is easiest to call specialists in this area. They will use an expensive special device to search for water, which will make the best possible source place as accurately as possible. In addition, this procedure happens quickly and does not require your personal participation. The only minus - it costs it is not suiced, and to get personally such a device does not seem to be possible again because of its cost and special purpose.
Folk ways to search for water on the plot
If you are not in a hurry to drill a well, and ready to try out our strength in the sphere of geodesy, start searching for water in its own area with folk methods. Choose one of the most convenient to you, among the suggested below, or apply them in the complex to obtain a more reliable result.
Folk ways to search for water: Method 1
Pay attention to natural precipitations, in particular, education and fog cluster. For this:
- Wait for the warm season.
- Early in the morning and in the evening examine the whole territory.
- Thick fog on the surface - water is close.
Folk ways to search for water: method 2
If you have a big farm and you even have been engaged in breeding animals, observe them at different times:
- field mice will equip their housing on plants or even the branches of trees, if the water is close to the surface of the soil;
- horses in the heat will be hit by hooves in places where there is water under the ground;
- dogs will also dig the land and go to the dug holes in a snack where there is moisture;
- chicken will refuse to carry eggs in highly humid places;
- geese will also choose to lay eggs that are precisely those sites where underground is aquifer.
Folk ways to search for water: method 3
Pay attention to plants on your site:
- if you can't get rid of violent traps of mother-and-stepmother, sorrel, nettle, Boligolov - water in this area is enough;
- alder, Iva and Bereza also testify that in the places of their germination a lot of moisture, and their crown will be tilted in the direction of the source;
- if the apple tree and cherry do not take root, or these trees are not fruiting, it means that groundwater at the place of their landing are located too close.
Other Water Search Methods for Well
In the case when you are ready to make additional actions to search for water, select one of the options suggested - they are also effective.
Water search methods for well: option 1
- Distribute banks with the same litter throughout its site.
- Turn them to the bottom up, putting on the neck.
- Check out in the morning how much was formed inside the condensate.
Important! In those places where it accumulated more, the likelihood of finding good aquifers is also significantly higher.
Water search methods for well: option 2
- Take a clay pot with a unhappy surface.
- Pour a broken small brick or salt inside.
- Weigh and write down the data.
- Take the pot into the gauze.
- Groove to the ground to a depth of 0.5 m.
- Scroll and leave for a day.
- Remove the pot and stick again.
- If the difference in the indicators is big - it means, aquifer lived near, and vice versa.
Important! For this procedure, select this day so that in a couple of days before it was not rain and the soil was dry.
Water search methods for well: option 4
- Take 2 segments of aluminum wire with a length of 40 cm.
- Generate 15 cm length at them at right angles.
- Insert into the hollow tube, for example, in a branch of elderber with a cut-out core.
- Expand the ends in different directions.
- Make sure that the wire can freely scroll inside the tube.
- Come with stops on the site.
Important! In the place where the source is, the tubes will come together in the nearest side. When you find it, pass again in the perpendicular direction and mark, the wire unfolded in that direction as the first time.
Water search methods for well: option 5
If there is a well or natural reservoir not far from your territory, arm yourself with a barometer and act. Measure pressure:
- in the elevation drops to make sure that the pressure changes correctly;
- in the place of the intended drilling of the well;
- on the shore of the reservoir.
Important! Take into account the fact that every 10 meters of the difference, the pressure will change by 1 mm Hg. The difference in pressure on the shore and on the place of the future well is the depth of occurrence of aquifer. For example, if it is 0.4 mm Hg, it means that the depth is 4 meters.
Water search methods for well: option 6
If available you have a garden manual drill, make a reconnaissance well. To do this, adhere to such recommendations:
- Drink a hole to a depth of 6-7 meters.
- To work, take a tool with a screw cross section of 30 cm.
- Each 10-15 cm, remove the roe from the soil, so as not to break it as it is shuffled.
- Take into account when counting depth the length of the handle.
Important! How to perform test drilling well, look at the applied video below.
Now you know several ways to find a suitable place for the well on the site. It remains for the small thing - to drill the well and use free clean soil water, without limiting yourself in needs.