Japanese-Style Bedroom: Practical Tips for Designer Useful advice,Interior items

The tense pace of modern life often leaves some opportunities for a full-fledged rest. It is not surprising that the bedroom is a place for whose threshold I want to leave all day problems and anxiety. In Japan, a long time ago, it was a calm, unlucky atmosphere with a minimum of distracting factors for a feeling of relaxation and peace.
Design Japanese bedroom
Currently, the design of Japanese-style premises enjoys growing popularity. The Japanese is characterized by contemplation, proximity to nature, immersion in the essence of phenomena, as well as in the inner world of the nature of things. These tendencies of the combination of East wisdom and personal comfort are fully reflected in the harmonious environment of their dwellings. It is possible to dissect from worries and effectively relax in the atmosphere of asceticism and harmony, unity with nature. In such a room there is no excess detail, irritating and overloading the room. Functionality and simplicity, expressiveness, calm - characteristic signs of the interior of the bedroom in Japanese style.
In general, for Japanese culture, it is typically related to the house as a single living organism, which is inherent in its own special energy. In order for the positive energy to circulate in it, the space is required - therefore, to create a beneficial microclimate, achieving the state of harmony of body and spirit in residential premises, use the minimum number of simple laconic furniture furniture. All items carry a certain functional load, without overloading the space meaningless decorative details. In such a room there is no place for random things, littering room.
Based on the differing layout of buildings, it is hardly possible to repeat exactly the Japanese interior in our climatic conditions. On the other hand, make the style of the bedroom recognizable by Japanese quite in our power.
The fundamental ideas of interior design in traditional Japanese style can be attributed:
- minimalism, expressed in the use of only the necessary furniture, the absence of cumbersome objects of the situation. Thus, the free space is appeared necessary for circulation in the premises of positive energy streams. The characteristic feature of the Japanese style is the harmony of the inner world of a person and the surrounding environment, which can be achieved by means of thoughtful interior design with a small amount of decorative details;
- rationalism and functionality - traditionally the interior in Japanese style is equipped with comfortable shelves, bedside tables of a simple design, a compact hidden cabinet with sliding doors. A prerequisite is the presence of sufficient lighting, comfortable for view;
- use of sliding partitions, combining elements and related ease and convenience of transformation. For small-sized Japanese (and not only) premises, this circumstance is important;
- using exclusively natural environmentally friendly finishing materials, furniture, as well as textiles.
The present accessories are selected according to the total topics of the bedroom - they, as a rule, are consistent with the stylistics of Japanese culture, include characteristic motives and ornaments. The design of the Japanese-style bedroom is characterized by traditional aesthetics recognizable, as well as convenience, thoughtfulness and practicality.
Japanese-style bedroom - Photo:
Japanese-style bedroom materials
The concept of unity with nature implies the use of eco-friendly materials of natural origin - for decorations are traditionally used wood, concrete, brick, plaster materials, pearl, and jute, bamboo, rice paper, etc.
For the interior of the Japanese bedroom, it is characterized by the use of bamboo mats and wallpapers, hemp or reed rugs, rice paper for interior partitions and lamps. In addition, the use of various types of glass is allowed.
Lighting and color solutions
The design of the Japanese-style bedroom implies a lot of light in the room, and it will be necessary to organize soft lighting - such an effect can be achieved, covering the bulb with paper translucent lampshairs. The scattered muted (the Japanese call it "lunar") light advantageously teach various interior items, will contribute to a full-fledged holiday. With the help of the game of lighting, a harmonious relaxing atmosphere is created, which allows you to immerse yourself in the relax, which contributes to the removal of nervousness and stress. To organize lighting in the bedroom room, a variety of lamps are used, monophonic either with a Japanese pattern. Testers and sconces with a lampshade of rice paper, parchment or natural silk, gently scattering rays and creating a game of light and shadows, as well as lamps with wooden, glass or porcelain lampshairs of the correct geometric shape are placed on the ceiling and near the bed.
For the interiors of the Japanese style, it is not recommended to use screaming tones, as well as motnable ornaments and patterns. On the contrary, the use of negligence and natural gamma is welcomed. Traditionally, the color solution of the interior of the bedroom in Japanese style is built around one base color, which is complemented by its halftons in the finish, furniture coloring and curtains. At the same time, it is characterized by the use of a natural palette - gray, beige, various shades of brown and cream gamut, as well as in small amounts of black and white color for decoration. To achieve harmony in the interior decoration, several contrasting accents are also used.
Japanese bedroom furniture
For the interior of the bedroom in Japanese style, the minimum number of furniture of laconic geometric shapes is used - usually with a smooth surface, without frills and intricate perfect parts. As a rule, it is low furniture. The Japanese sleep on special mattresses - "footers", which is easy to fold and remove in the box. A wide and low bed is suitable for the Japanese bedroom equipment - you can pick up the so-called "sleeping platform". Sometimes such a bed is placed on the podium. Small wooden bedside tables are placed on the bed. Harmoniously in this interior will look a small coffee table - wooden or glass, chest made of natural materials (wood, bamboo) for storing personal belongings. Massive cabinets should not be seen - a wall niches can be used to store personal items. A small built-in wardrobe with sliding doors will perform as an optimal solution.
How to arrange the floor, walls, ceiling
Japanese-style bedroom floor is usually made from wood, laminate (including bamboo) or parquet. The floor is also suitable for the floor with ceramic tiles or marble. Traditionally, the Japanese dwellings have special rigid mats - tatami woven from cane and rice straw. The disadvantage of such a coating is the need for its sufficiently frequent replacement (with periodicity of half a year to two years). In the modern interiors of the Japanese bedroom, as a rule, carpeted coating is absent. Alternatively, you can position on the floor of the palace of a neutral shade or lay a small rug with a Japanese-style pattern.
Japanese style bedroom walls are made up using one or two tones. In traditional residents of Japan, the walls are equipped in the form of sliding partitions (seats) consisting of wooden frames and rice paper. In the interior of the bedroom to finish the walls, you can use the wallpaper from bamboo, as well as with a stylized Japanese pattern or ornament. You can decide on their wooden panels that imitate sliding partitions. Also quite organically, walls covered with a one-photon natural cloth will look. If you wish, it is not difficult to zonate the room with the help of a screen or partitions - such a room with a simple permutation can be turned into a living room or a dining room, and then again into the bedroom. This transformation of the room is characteristic of Japanese style and is very convenient, besides suitable for the premises of a small area.
It is necessary to carefully choose the combination of colors of the floor and walls, withsting them in close colors - and it is recommended that the color of the flooring was on one or two tones lighter. For example, a gray shade of the floor is suitable for white walls, and sand color will look perfectly on a beige curtain background.
A Japanese-style bedroom ceiling traditionally creates a feeling of lightness and non-digestion. Its matte, usually in bright colors, the surface is made in a single gamzer with walls (for these purposes, you can equip a stretch ceiling or suspended with square sections equipped with built-in backlit from the matte glass).
Japanese-style bedroom accessories
For the East, the use of multiple pillows is characteristic. The Japanese houses use simple low furniture, "with a variety of pillows for a comfortable location in combination with a variety of pillows.
The windows of the room decorated concisely, without frills. A compact curtains in the form of a screen or panels with rigid inserts on top and bottom, from a monophonic or with a stylized Japanese pattern of textile (cotton or flax or flax), organically fit into the interior of the Bedroom in Japanese-style. In addition, for this style of the interior, the Roman curtains with a minimum of finishes and on top of each other are densely either with translucent canvas, rolling - fabric or wooden, as well as bamboo cane, reed and jute straws.
As decorative elements in the bedroom you can place floor vases, decorated with drawings with Japanese scenery, images of Pagoda, Fuji Mountains, Cranes, Blooming Sakura. Harmoniously fit into the interior dwarf bonsai tree, as well as the original compositions - Iquiban, large painted fans, engraving, Japanese swords and daggers, figures of Japanese gods from porcelain and ceramics, images of Japanese geist, batik, aromatic lamps. Traditionally, premises in Japan are decorated with dolls in kimono. The desired color will bring Japanese symbolism to the interior - for example, bed linen or covered with hieroglyphs, stylized drawings on lamps lamps, as well as sliding shirms. It should be borne in mind that decorative details should not be much.
In a traditional Japanese-style bedroom, you can create optimal conditions for comfortable relaxation and full sleep. Stay in this interior will fill your rest with the feelings of harmony and peace.
Japanese style bedroom design - Photo