Dry screed or bulk floor Floors

Dry filling floor is the recent successful development of German scientists from Krauf construction firm. This firm specializes in high-quality building mixtures. Such a mixture is often called the "bulk floor". It is a dry mixture for bulk floors, which is placed on the surface, forming a high-quality and smooth floor.
From the construction company Krauf, the dry floor is the following: these are special finished plates that are made of plaster and covered with a protective waterproofing layer. Plates are stacked on a dry surface or on a backfill. By the way, the backfilling is a very important part in the floor laying technology, as it contributes to aligning the surface, and this, in turn, affects the result.
The second version of the dry floor is the finished dry mixture, which is poured into the prepared cells, and the selected floor covering is stacked on top.
Dry screed or bulk floor have both advantages and disadvantages. The following advantages are noted among the advantages:
- All work on the floor laying is not dusty. This is a very important indicator when performing repair work.
- A dry tie of the floor is much easier than to make cement or cement-sand.
- Plates fit easily and fixed with self-drawers.
- No need to wait long when the screed is completely "grab" and it will be possible to continue to continue repair work. After laying the plates, it is possible to start the next stage of work.
In addition to the advantages, each building material has disadvantages. It is worth noting that when working with a dry floor, specialists are noted primarily fairly high cost of building material. But if you figure out the cost of repair as a whole, and calculate how many bags of the construction mixture must be purchased on the floor of the floor in one room, and how much it is necessary to spend on the purchase of finished dry floor, then the amounts will be almost equal. So as a result, the dry filling floor has not a very high cost.
Also in the "Cons" section include: an impressive plate thickness. Not in every room will be appropriate to make a dry tie of the floor, so this is being built the height of the room.
Before making a decision, which sex will be in your room, we recommend watching a video telling about the lack of dry floor:
We carry out the installation of a dry screed
Before starting the installation of a dry screed, you must provide electricians, plumbing and plasters to complete all the necessary work. After the wiring is performed, the sockets and switches are installed, work on plastering walls in the room can be started to arrange the floor. By the way, the water and heat supply system can also be missed from under control. It is necessary to check its performance and exclude leakage.
Before starting the installation of the floor, the entire surface of the room is covered with a protective construction film and only after that floodplain. When performing work, you need to establish construction lighthouses. It is advisable to place them after the construction film was laid.
Bashes the mixture, it should be borne in mind that its thickness should not exceed the half-meter. It is necessary to focus on the thickness of the concrete slab and take into account all communications (water pipes, heating systems and other). If during installation there is a need to make a greater thickness, then it is permissible.
After the floor alignment is performed, proceed to laying the plates. Any of floor coverings: laminate, parquet, tile mounted on a dry tie.
Dry floor laying work can be viewed on this video:
About bulk polits
The bulk floor is slightly different from the dry tie of the floor. Such a coating is also called "Liquid Linoleum". If such a floor touch your hands, then the sensations will be similar to the traditional linoleum. The only difference in bulk sex from linoleum - the floor indoors is mounted without seams, gaps, it has an absolutely smooth surface and is monolithic. Among the chemist scientists developing building materials for the Russian market, there is such a name as "seamless polymer coating."
The bulk floor may have a different color, but in most cases such colors are dominated:
- beige;
- gray;
- brown and light brown;
- blue;
- salad.
The thickness of the bulk sex oscillates from one to seven millimeters. For residential premises, builders recommend laying the bulk sex to one and a half centimeters. If you make a big thickness - it will be economically unprofitable, because the dry mixture for bulk sex has a significant price.
These types of bulk floors are available:
- polyurethane. The main material is polyurethane;
- made from methyl methacryl resins;
- made from epoxy resin;
- combined: from the mixture of cement and acrylic.
How to make a bulk sex
Apply the bulk floor to such surfaces:
- Concrete base.
- Cement screed.
- Ceramic tile (if it is old, without chips).
- Wooden floors or wooden flooring.
The main rule when working with bulk floors - work with a smooth surface. You can check this with levels, permissible deviation - no more than 4 millimeters.
To make the bulk floor on the old wooden, it is necessary to prepare it:
- Remove old plinths.
- Remove the paint, varnish and putty with a spatula, a scraper or grinding.
- Wooden floor humidity should be no more than 10%. You can check this by a special device - moisture meter.
- With a grinding machine or manually emery, you need to operate all cracks.
- Remove dust, garbage first to dream by a broom, then walk the vacuum cleaner.
- Clear floor with a special degreasing powder.
- All cracks fill the construction mixture.
To prepare concrete floor you need to do the following:
- Check moisture (also no more than 4%).
- Remove the old coating (linoleum, laminate).
- Check compression strength.
- If the concrete screed has been recently done, then you need to withstand a pause of 28 days and only then begin to mount a bulk sex.
- Clean the surface from spots, paints.
- Remove garbage and dust.
- Cracks fill the construction mixture.
- Align the surface with a grinding machine.
- Check the level of horizontal.
Before laying the floor to brew the surface with a special primer. The room temperature should be no higher than 25 degrees.
We divorce the mixture correct
This is a very important rule when working with bulk floors. In order for the floor to grow well, you need to follow the instructions. If the proportion is observed correctly, then work with such material will be pleasure. Due to the fact that dry bulk gender has a high price, it is bred as accuracy as indicated in the instructions.
First, water is poured into a clean dry container (bucket or bowl), and then slowly pour the dry mixture and are thoroughly mixed by an electric train. By the way, it is advisable for a drill to purchase a special nozzle. Stirring is performed with an interval in a couple of minutes, several times. There should be homogeneous consistency, without lumps and air bubbles.
To check, the mixture is highly prepared or not, it is necessary to take a plastic ring (diameter and height of five centimeters). Suitable cover from deodorant, the top is cut in it. The ring is mounted on the glass, and the solution is poured into the lid. The cover should be slightly lifted, and the liquid spread over the glass. If the diameter of the spot will be 16-18 centimeters, then this is the optimal consistency for filling the floor. If not, chips and cracks are possible after drying, as well as reduced strength.
Getting Started
When working with a bulk floor, the humidity in the room should be no more than 80%.
Work starts from wall removed from the entrance. Floors are poured without interruptions, as height differences may occur.
The solution is poured parallel to the wall with stripes. To achieve the same thickness, spatula spat the surface. To remove air bubbles, the solution is "pierced" with a special spatula with needles. For work, the rocket will also be needed, they regulate the thickness of the layer.
Then the new portion of the prepared solution is poured, smoothed and rolled. Do not immediately prepare a lot of mixtures, it should be used within an hour. There should be no longer between laying layers than ten minutes. After the completion of the work, a foil or a film is filling onto the surface, which will save the bulk sex from entering small particles of dust, and will also allow the mixture to be stuck evenly.
After the floor is completely dry, the surface is covered with varnish on a polyurethane basis. This technique will allow to obtain shine and gloss, as well as increase the strength of the coating.
The bulk sex will dry and will be ready for full operation in five days, but it will be possible to walk on it already after 10-12 hours.
About working with bulk sex, you can see this video: