Choose the right garage gate Doors

Gate for the garage There are various types and versions. Their choice depends on the conditions at the installation site and frequency of use. The right choice of the gate is the key to their trouble-free and long-term work. Determination of the type of garage gate will help information about the features of their design and installation.
Swing Gate for Garage - the most common option
Swing gates for the garage with your own hands and install easier than the gate of another type. The advantages of such a design - simplicity and relatively low cost. The main rules for their installation in the following.
- The flaps are hung on a loop, pre-welded at the calculated height to the side sides of the design of the opening. The loops are placed so that the gate when closing and opening is not deformed.
- The finished gates must be measured and compare the results with the parameters of the opening. The size of the gate to the garage should guarantee their free installation and operation.
- Rama is collected and inserted into the opening.
- The frame is established so that its side sides are strictly vertically oriented, and the upper and lower, respectively - horizontally. Fasten it with anchor bolts.
- The door sash is hung on a loop welded to the frame.
- Fittings are installed, the details of the electric drive (if provided for by the design) and the counter-burglar system.
Important: The metal thickness of the door leaf should be within 3-5 mm. Thin thin sheet steel can be easily damaged by the attacker, and thicker - increases the load on the loop.
Automatic gates for the garage: their types and installation features
The automation of the gate allows you to get a number of advantages in the use of the garage:
- saving time: the discovery team can be given in advance;
- easy operation: For opening / closing it is not necessary to make efforts;
- the ability to install security alarm with a shared control panel;
- convenience: There is no need to leave the car during the rain to open the gate.
Automatic systems can be installed on sliding, lifting and sectional (roller shutters) gates.
Installation and installation of retractable gate
Retractable gate (they are also called symptoms) are essentially a metal web installed in a rigid frame with rollers. Moves the web on the guides (consoles) connected in the form of a rigid frame. Opening and closing the slide gates using an electric drive.
The gate of this type is used in garages, in which it is impossible to install swinging sash due to the lack of free space, as well as where the vehicles of the car often occur.
Installation of the gate is performed in stages, with the following conditions.
- The drawing of the garage gate is performed, according to which the required size is prepared.
- Metallic frame is installed in the pit, orienting it horizontally and vertically. The bottom profile is poured with concrete.
- On the edge of the pit, near the wall of the opening, strengthen the column of the catcher.
- The hinged pillar is fixed with anchor bolts to the opposite (relative to the position of the catcher) the wall of the opening.
- In the upper and lower part of the frame at the same distances, roller supports are mounted. The lumens should be sufficient for normal operation of the mechanisms.
- Prepare a place to drive the gate.
- The rope of the gate with attached roller supports is installed at an angle to the bottom console, and then adjusted to the vertical position.
- Install catchers (rear and upper), supporting roller.
- Install the drive engine, collect the drive mechanism and connect the power supply.
Installation and installation of self-supporting gates
Self-supporting gates - modification of the sliding gate. This design simplifies the automation of opening and closing. The advantage of self-supporting retracting gates is in the absence of the lower part of the frame in the opening.
Installation of self-supporting gates is made in three stages:
- base device for carrier elements;
- installation of a gate sash;
- installation of the drive (if provided for by the design).
To install the gate, you must have a set of tools at your disposal:
- bulgarian (small and greater);
- perforator;
- apparatus for welding;
- plumb, level;
- ladder;
- riveter;
- a set of keys.
At the time of installation, pay attention to the following.
- Before starting work, the size of the opening is performed: they must comply with the gate sash parameters. From the convenient side there must be enough space to roll back the shield. For host profile and upper limit, there should also be enough space.
- The level of the base concrete base should not differ significantly from the zero horizontal level specified in the working drawing. The mortgage metal profile must be completely recessed into the concrete to the same depth.
- The assembly and installation of the remaining carrier elements of the self-supporting gate and directly the canvas are performed after the complete pouring of the concrete, that is, after 6-7 days. Calculation of concrete occurs within 28 days.
- Installation of the electric drive is performed at the final stage of the work.
Outdoor and internal coverings are performed after the end of the main installation work.
Lifting and sectional gates in the garage
In garages built from bricks, garage garage can be used
and sectional.
Tip: In the case of painting after installation of the gate, their mechanism, automation and front side are closed with polyethylene film.
The main condition for installing a sectional type gate is the presence of the required space in the area of \u200b\u200bthe opening: the distance to the ceiling is 330-340 mm, on the sides - 450 mm.
How the lifting and sectional doors are installed.
- Aligning walls of the opening of the plaster, if necessary - strengthening with metal corners and channels.
- Marking is performed: on walls and ceiling openings indicate the drilling points of the holes for anchor bolts that lock the bearing vertical and horizontal metal profiles.
- Fastening horizontal guides to the garage ceiling. Vertical guides are installed on a plumb. It is important to prevent distortions.
- Assembling the canvas from individual sections, starting from the bottom panel. Installing the canvas in the guide grooves, fastening the hinges. During the assembly, the accompanying documents from the manufacturer are guided: it is important to comply with the specified sequence.
- Adjusting the upper brackets: they should lay down to the naschalnik of the sash without gaps.
- Installation of the engine and drive mechanisms of the opening and closing of the gate. Installation of handles, locks, limiters and balancing springs. Cables of the lifting device must be stretched.
- Fastening the tracking limiters and testing the performance of the entire system.
Important: All carrier elements must be securely secured, the friction of the fields of the canvas in the guides is not allowed. Springs should provide ease of opening. The spontaneous fall of the lifting gate should also be.
Features of the suspended gate
The feature of the design of the suspended gate is lightness. It is collected from the shield (material - aluminum or plastic), drive and executive opening-closing mechanism. The system provides speed and ease during operation. The main condition for setting the gate of this type is a high ceiling in the garage. The disadvantage of the structure is insufficient thermal insulation.
Mounting feature is as follows.
- Over the opening of the entrance to the garage, the beam is attached on which the shield is held. In the event that the upper part of the opening does not have sufficient strength - an additional steel frame is installed.
- The beam has a view of a stainless steel guide profile. It must be fixed strictly horizontally, which should be monitored using a level during installation.
- Anchor bolts are used as fasteners. An alternative can be a mortgage fittings to which the beam is welded.
- At the edges of the guide profile are installed limit plugs. Brackets with rollers must be attached to the gate.
- During the hangout, the gate should be ensured that all rollers without distortion entered the grooves of the heading profile (monorail).
- The final stage of the mounting of the suspended gate is the installation of an electric drive and a mechanism for emergency opening of the shield.
Automation can be duplicated by the manual opening and closing mechanism and the corresponding accessory.
Garage Roller
The principle of operation of roller shutters: the canvas rises using an automatic mechanical drive (or manually), and lowered under its own weight. Smooth closing is provided by a spring type mechanism. Close the gate-roller blind by the lock, which is inserted into the bottom section of the canvas.
The gate of this type is collected from the following details:
- metal sections (lamellas) up to 150 mm wide connected by hinges with each other into a single cloth;
- guides fixed along the garage opening;
- the box with the shaft for the brothel.
Material for the manufacture of beverages - steel sheets or aluminum plastic coated or painted. Steel have greater strength and reliability, aluminum are lighter. The latter can be made with polyurethane fill.
The preferential characteristics of roller shutters are as follows:
- can be placed in the garage almost any size;
- reliably protect from intruders, can be equipped with alarm and automatic opening-closing device;
- do not need maintenance: no need to lubricate loops and painted lamellas;
- they differ compactness and good appearance, which makes it easy to enter them into any exterior.
The disadvantage of the design is bad thermal insulation. The work of the mechanism may be difficult in winter due to the fact that the snow is clogged into the slot. Protect from this partially can visor over the entrance.
Mounting a roller shutter can be made in three ways.
- The invoice method: the box is mounted to the outside of the opening, while the canvas will move around the guides fixed in front.
- Built-in (most popular): The canvas are flush or at some recess in the garage opening niche.
- Combined: apply in case of complex and special architecture of the structure.
Important: The diagonal of the opening in the garage should not be different than 5 mm. The side of the opening also should not have deviations along the length of over 1.5 mm. Scoops and irregularities should not be. Detected defects need to be eliminated.
Phased the process of installing the roller shutter on the garage can be represented as follows.
- In accordance with the scheme and instructions, a frame is collected. On the perimeter of the frame every 0.5 m, the holes are drilled for mounting to the walls and the ceiling of the opening. At the edges of the profile (on each side, at a distance of no more than 0.15 m) make additional holes.
- Frame is installed. The horizontal and vertical position of the corresponding parts control the level and plumb.
- Installation of the electric drive is performed.
- Of the individual lamellas, the canvas is collected and installed in place.
- The drive mechanism is joined by traction.
- Performed (using stoppers) Adjustment of the extreme upper and lower positions of the roller shutter.
- The operation of the mechanism is performed.
- With the help of sealants and overs, all visible gaps are closed.
What are the good industrial gates for the garage
Industrial gates can be used for garages designed for several cars and boxes. Their design is characterized by a high degree of reliability and opening speed.
There are several options and the rules for installing such a gate: a feature of the opening plays an important role in choosing an important role.
- The most common installation option: the tree with springs is installed directly above the shield, which opens at an angle of 90 °.
- In garages with high ceilings the shaft can be located both at the top and below.
- If the garage has an inclined roof - guides can be located at different angles, depending on the angle of the roof slope.
- Industrial gates are located symmetrically central vertical. Support racks are installed strictly vertically (by level) and are attached close to the frame of the opening. The mount should be such that the condition of the uniform load distribution is observed.
- The position control of the racks is measured by diagonals: the discrepancy of the indicators cannot exceed 2 mm.
- The canvas for the industrial gate is manufactured using the Sandwich Panel technology: between the two sheets of the metal is located a layer of insulation (foam or extruded polystyrene foam).
Garage Fire Gate
The fire gates are installed in garages in which flammable materials are stored.
Installation is performed in compliance with the following requirements.
- The walls and overlapping of the garage must have sufficient strength to withstand a large weight of the design. Weak outlook material is strengthened by a metal frame.
- During assembly work, it is important not to break the protective zinc and paintwork coating of the carrying elements of the structure and the shield.
- The installation of the carrier frame implies the shower and fill the threshold concrete in a specially prepared deepening.
- It is not allowed to use hardware and accessories that are not included in the gate.
Equipment of the electric drive mechanism of the opening-closing of the gate can be consistent with the control with a generalized fire alarm.
At the conclusion of the story about how the criteria are chosen and how the garage is installed - video with a specialist comments.