Tile for toilet: Tips for choosing Tile

The bathroom is a room to which special requirements for quality, strength, smell and moisture resistance are presented. That is why it is usually a ceramic tile for its finishes, as it supports all the above characteristics. Many facing materials externally can be very similar, but at the same time they are very different in their technical properties. Therefore, to the selection of tiles should be taken very carefully. Next, we will tell you more about all this.
Fundamentals of material selection
Today, there is a fairly large selection of facing tiles for the bathroom and toilet. And in this manifold you need to be able to understand. Next, we note several criteria that should help you with the choice of materials for finishing:
- So, it will incorrectly pick up the tile in appearance. After all, it can be intended absolutely for other purposes, and not for those required to you.
- When choosing a material for finishing, it is necessary to take into account the fact that the flooring options of the tile cannot be used for wall cladding. The fact is that such products are usually heavier, which is why they are worse held on the walls.
- In addition, it is worth considering that in no case cannot be used for cladding a thin and too fragile tile.
- It makes no sense to buy expensive tiles for public premises. Consider this when choosing.
- In addition, it is worth calculating the required amount of tiles in advance, and this can be helped with a prepared plan on which sizes are applied.
If you liked some kind of model tile, then before you decide on the purchase, cost it for some defects. First of all, it is necessary to determine the indicator of the plane that must be minimal. In order to check it out, it is enough to watch any two tiles one to the other front sides (where the picture). Please note whether there is space between the tiles. A slit is allowed not more than 1.2 mm. In general, the smaller this space, the easier it will be laid tile in the toilet. This gap is one of the most important quality indicators of any ceramic tile.
In addition, it is worth checking the diagonals of the tiles, which ideally should be the same. Measurements can be safely done right in the store. The difference between diagonals should not exceed 1 mm. This testifies to the high quality of the material. With such a tile, the finish will succeed without defects.
It is also worth checking the surface of the material. High-quality tiles should be without herds, irregularities, cracks and other defects. In addition, the glaze should be checked at an angle and against the light. The interior of your bathroom can assume the use of several types of tiles. In this case, to acquire all the necessary material is recommended at one manufacturer, even better if it is from one series. This is important, because Different manufacturers may have different production standards, which may cause problems during installation work.
If you find it difficult to choose a tile, you can always contact the Consultant to the seller. In many stores building materials, there is a special software that will allow you to simulate the design of the room, with the use of one or other finishing material. The same program, using special calculation algorithms, makes it possible to determine how many tiles you need for your room.
The tile used as a finishing material is capable of radically change the view of the room. Moreover, it can be transformed both in the best and worse. If you choose the unsuccessful design of the tile in the toilet, then the room will result in gloomy, visually "close". Perhaps it will be more understandable if you bring specific examples. So, too much the floor drawing will make the plane visually uneven. In addition, you should not choose a dark tile if there is little light in the room and without it. When using a dark and light tone, there is nothing better than the classic approach - the dark elements below, and light - on top. To visually make the ceiling above, you can resort to the following simple techniques. So, for this purpose, the tile is placed vertically, and decorative finishing elements are placed somewhere at the level of view in the form of a fine edging.
Bathrooms and Toilet Design Tile
Tricks to increase the area of \u200b\u200bthe bathroom
There are ways to visually make the size of the room more. There are the following tips on the design of bathrooms that have small sizes:
- For example, in the finish can be used mosaic. It will allow the premises to "Win" with new paints.
- In addition, the room will seem more if it is used in the work tile with glaze painted in cold colors. This still contributes to laying of ceramic tiles for the toilet diagonally.
- Alternatively, you can also use a diverse ornament and abstract decor. For the same rows of tiles can be arranged horizontally, and closer to the ceiling to place borders of the same type. It is best to do this in the zone of contact of the walls and the ceiling.
- In addition, it is possible to visually increase the room by facing the walls with a tile having a glossy glaze.
- The use of matte ceramics in the toilet creates a feeling of heat, but the volume of the toilet seems less than it really is.
In general, with the help of tiles, you can create an infinite number of original compositions. But it is worth remembering that a complex ornament will be put on only an experienced master. Therefore, if you wish to perform work yourself, and at the same time you have no experience in carrying out facing works, it is better to limit the simpler drawing. For example, to start stands from the installation of a large tile, and use a simple layout method. After receiving experience and skills on simple elements, you can already move on something more complicated.
High-quality tile usually serves long enough. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare for work on its laying, as well as "with the mind to approach" to the selection of facing material. The study of existing popular methods of laying, a variety of designer subtleties - allows you to ensure that you have a great result that you will undoubtedly be satisfied.
Common errors
- When installing tiles do not overdo it with geometric patterns. The fact is that externally they make the walls less smooth. In addition, such patterns are known poorly affect the reaction of the human subconscious.
- It is not worthwhile to buy a tile of dark shades for the bathroom, it will visually make the bathroom even less than it really is.
- Dark shades can only be combined with light. And try to place the dark tiles in the bottom, and lightly in the top of the walls.
- Several color shades can only be used for combined bathrooms. But in small rooms limit only with a combination of 2-3 tones.
- In addition, you should not use a tile with bright motley patterns - it will not allow creating conditions for a relaxer atmosphere, which should be present in the bathrooms and restrooms.
As you can see, despite the fact that the bathroom is a small room, it requires a lot of attention to every detail.
Toilet tiled do it yourself
Preparation of the bathroom
Before making facing the floor and walls in this room, you need to prepare them. And first, it is best to prepare the floor, which is associated with the location here the main inputs of water in the apartment. In general, due to the fact that in the bathroom there are risers of the water supply - this room has usually the highest level of humidity. It is because of the moisture, the floor here is needed to thoroughly induce it, which will be the main preparatory work.
The walls in this room also need to be hydroimal. If there was an oil paint earlier on the walls, then when repairing a toilet, the paint and whitewash will have to remove the paint. In general, such dusty work must always be carried out before finishing. It is better not to try to glue a tile right on the colored walls - it will be bad. To remove paint and whiten from the walls, you will need some tools. For this purpose, a spatula, a hatch and water in the tank is most suitable. When the paint is removed, it will be necessary to apply soil to the working surface and then dry thoroughly. Only then can be done directly with finishing work.
Mounting work
If you look at the toilet from a technical point of view, then it represents four separate walls. After all, during sticking, the wall tiles are practically not interconnected. But this is not the most important thing. In fact, be prepared for the fact that during masonry over the bathroom will have to trim the material. In addition, it is necessary to take into account that the sanulace area is usually quite small. This factor greatly affects how quickly you will handle work. One way or another, first the tile will need to be laid on the floor, but only then on the walls.
The laying process may differ depending on the installation of the toilet bowl. Obviously, it will be easier to do if the toilet is not yet set or removed for a while. If the toilet will not be removed, then the tiles need to make cuts so that it smoothly byte it without sharp transitions. As for the sweeter itself, it is usually started from the door and go towards the wall.
Initially, the glue is only a solid tile, i.e. The one that will not need to cut. Due to this, when you reach cutting, it will be possible to do evenly, which will make the look of the toilet more aesthetic. After all, the cropped part of the material will be practically invisible. During operation, it is necessary to monitor the horizontal surface, for which it is convenient to use the usual construction level. Because of the small floor area in the toilet time for cladding, it takes quite a bit. When you finish with the floor, you can proceed to the next stage of repairing the toilet with a tile - pasting walls.
Specificity of mounting tiles above door openings:
- Initially, you should visually determine the line on which two rows of tiles will converge.
- The next step is to attach a rake above the door. Make it need strictly horizontally. This rail will be the bottom for tiles above the door.
- First it is better to glue the whole tile. Next, it is necessary to fasten the rail horizontally on the slope of the door, and then stick the cropped tile. As a result, one end wall will remain as a result.
- Start laying follows from the free corner, and move toward the riser. This will allow you to "hide" tile trim areas.
As you can see, in the process of laying tiles in the toilet there are nuances, but the facing works themselves are completely simple if they first figure it out.