Floor level: Features, Use Floors

The aligned surface is not only aesthetically attractive, but also guarantees the long-term operation of the coating, which will be applied from above. The smooth floor also has an important value for movement safety. Performance of this procedure is a prerequisite when laying a linoleum, a device of floating floors, laminate and parquet. If this is not done in the latter case, parquet boards will creak. What are the mixtures for alignment of the floor, their advantages and disadvantages will look at further.
Characteristics and application
Today there are quite a lot of ready-made mixtures for alignment. There are even levels for sex self-leveling. Most of them have the basis similar to the old time-tested formula of the cement screed. The main components are:
- Binder (gypsum or cement).
- Filler (washed and sophisticated sand).
The difference in finished mixtures is mainly linked to the use of various additives to improve plasticity, clutch and hardening.
Over time, the solutions are becoming increasingly perfect that, in turn, expands their applications. Today it is possible to acquire not only the flooring level in the finished form, but also a mixture that provides maximum clutch values. New levels can be applied in the following cases:
- In order to prepare the surface in front of the floor building.
- For the arrangement of the porch, tambour, veranda of country houses.
You can find various finish mixtures on sale. They are used only as a layer located under the flooring. Such solutions did not find such solutions, because the dust is isolated, moisture and fat absorb. In addition, they have an insufficient appearance to use them for an external finish.
Advantages and disadvantages of finished mixtures
From advantages It should be noted the following:
- Good grip with a working surface.
- Maximum strength.
- Short deadlines.
- Simplicity of application without the need to wait for ripening and without the need to spray with water.
- Easily distributed over the entire working surface.
- It is possible to choose the composition to align almost any basics.
- No drawdowns that would require additional alignment.
- Long service life.
- The power of the alignment layer does not affect the height of the room.
- Manufacturers must ensure that the material formula is accurately observed. In order to get a good result when using such finished mixtures, it is only necessary to adhere to the manufacturer's recommendations, especially when the water is introduced.
From disadvantages, you can call a fairly high cost, but thanks to a long service life, it is compensated. In addition, the use of such mixtures eliminates the need to further finalize the surface.
Rough (starting) level
A rough levelover for the floor allows you to make high-quality ties on concrete, stone and brick.
There is a limit on the maximum thickness of one layer of this material - for it, the value is 50 millimeters. If you need a big layer, it is performed in several approaches. At the same time, before applying the next layer, you need to wait until the previous one solves. The mixture solidifies approximately 1-1.5 days. So that there are no cracks in thick screed, the surface reinforcement should be performed.
It is necessary to know that the mixtures of various manufacturers have different restrictions on the thickness of the same layer.
Riseller for the floor "Hercules"
One of the most popular starting mixtures. The following components are in its composition:
- Cement.
- Polymers (their chemical composition is hidden by the manufacturer).
- Filler in the form of a large fraction.
- One packaging of the level "Hercules" weighs about 25 kilograms.
- The manufacturer recommends that the temperature of +20 degrees and humidity at 80% are maintained during work. Under such conditions, it is possible to walk through the material to the applied material.
- Works on laying the next mixture layer is allowed only through three days.
- Immediately a solution for standards closer to the cement M200 brand.
- The finished layer can withstand the load on the compression of at least 20 pasks.
- One of the important indicators for floors for the floor is the flow rate per square meter. For a coarse level "Hercules" with a layer thickness of 1 centimeter, it is equal to 15 kilograms per square meter.
- As for any concrete without dyes after solidification, the color of the level surface becomes gray.
- The average bulk density reaches 1650 kg / m3.
- The average density of the leveling layer is no more than 2 thousand kg / m3.
- For the preparation of one kilogram of a dry mixture requires approximately 0.15-0.2 liters of water.
- One portion of the divorced solution must be consumed for half an hour. Therefore, it is not necessary to breed a large amount of mixture immediately.
- As for the price, the bag of the level "Hercules" on average on the market costs 150 rubles.
- From one kilogram of a dry mix, subject to the proportion recommended by the manufacturer, about 0.55 liters of the finished level is obtained.
Floor Rover for Floor
In the starting layer there are quite a lot of large particles. Therefore, it does not make it possible to get an absolutely smooth surface. To do this, use the finishing level level for the floor. Prices for it are different.
The material in its composition has sand shallow fraction. After mixing it with water, a homogeneous solution is obtained, which just allows you to get a smooth and smooth screed.
These levelors usually have a more complex composition. After all, very high demands are presented. It is from them that the finished surface will look like.
When performing cosmetic repair, it is often possible to do only the finish level. It should be enough to fill the minor defects and hide small irregularities. In general, these mixtures are quite independent. If it is required to increase the ability of the finish level, it is recommended to add various polymers and minerals, thanks to which it will be more resistant, elastic and durable.
Despite the fact that each manufacturer has its own recipe, yet there are some basic components. For example, plaster and cement. Moreover, the quality and possibility of finished mixtures is mostly dependent on them.
When choosing a leveling, pay attention to the ability to align and susceptibility to moisture. The high-quality mixture should not pass water, especially if it is placed in a room with high humidity.
Operator for the floor "Old"
- One of the most popular finish mixtures. Its base is cement.
- It is used to align concrete surfaces.
- Suitable as the finishing layer for floors in offices, residential buildings and public buildings.
- When performing work there should be no draft.
- Lime is used in the quality of the aggregate.
- This is a fairly waterproof mixture.
- It has in its composition additives that impair mechanical and strength characteristics.
- The maximum thickness of one layer is 4-5 millimeters.
- The mixture has a gray color.
- Compression strength is more than 20 MPa.
- Bending strength reaches 5 MPa.
- Coupling with concrete - more than 1 MPa.
- Shopping up to 0.8 millimeters per meter.
- You can work at a temperature of +10 to +25 degrees.
- Consumption of about 1.5 kilograms per square meter with a layer thickness of 1 millimeter.
- Packaging - bags of 25 kilograms.
- Shelf life is 6 months.
Plateonite floor level
Used to align floors from concrete and monolithic cement screed. It can be used for the facing of dry and wet surfaces. The following components are available:
- Mineral binder.
- Modifying additives.
- Fillers.
Possesses the following features:
- No shrinkage.
- Resistance to crack formation.
- Alignment with a layer to 80-100 millimeters.
- High mobility.
- You can walk on the surface after three hours after the completion of the work.
- When mixed with one bag, a mixture requires about 4 liters of water.
- It can be applied both manual and engineered.
- The material consumption is approximately 1.7 kilograms per square meter with a layer thickness of 1 millimeter.
- Ready-mix only in enclosed spaces can be used.
- Packed in bags of 20 kg.
Separate preparation of a mixture for alignment
In most cases, floor leveling mixture is used which consists of the following components:
- Career or sieved river sand.
- Cement.
- Water.
Unfortunately, with the help of it you can not always get the desired result. At the same time for its curing takes about a month. During this period, the surface may sink. In addition, to avoid the appearance of cracks on cement screed solidifying, it is necessary to periodically sprinkle water.
But this is one of the most cost options. Therefore, it is still used. To prepare the composition of the need to:
- M500 brand cement.
- The sieved sand with grain size of 5 millimeters.
- These materials are mixed in a ratio of one to three.
Proportioning very important. After mixing, the sand and the cement should begin adding water in small portions. This should be done as long as the solution is not in consistency like thick cream viscous. Note, even if you are using components from reputable manufacturers, this is no guarantee that will tie quality. The mixture is prepared with his own hands, it is very difficult to apply and spread over the floor due to poor ductility. To facilitate the work, can be added into the tube of the plasticizer according to the manufacturer's recommendations.
To avoid cracks appeared, professionals recommend adding to the finished solution is a bit of detergent. Due to this moisture will slowly evaporate from the screed. In this case, crystallization occurs evenly mixture. Even small errors when trying to modify the solution certainly affect the strength of the layer, and this may lead to greater costs.
Today, you can buy any type of leveling compounds and for different types of premises. The landlord decides - buy rovnitel floor or make it yourself.
Leveling the floor with their hands
- At first glance it may seem that all the factory mix the same. Although, in fact, a solution from different vendors has a unique composition, which is usually indicated in the marking. Each package is added to the detailed instruction, which tells how to prepare a solution. When this is not permitted introduction into a mixture of any additives and proportions violation.
- To get a perfectly smooth surface, it is necessary to comply with the manufacturer recommended by the manufacturer and humidity. Only minor deviations from the indicated rules are allowed.
- In addition, it is important that the mixture consumption is observed, which is usually indicated in the marking. Depending on the characteristics of a solution, consumption can be from 1.4 to 1.8 kilograms per square meter (layer 1 millimeter).
- Before filling, install doors and windows. There should be no drafts when working. It is important as accurate as you can withstand the time limits that are required to solve material. You should not violate these recommendations, especially if the mixture is applied to several layers.
Order of work:
- Works begin with the preparation of the foundation. Before applying the level on the surface, it is necessary to make it clean and smooth. If there are oil stains on it, they should be removed using a solvent. If there is a peeling paint, then it must be removed by grinding or spatula. Recesses and cracks width more than one centimeter do not prevent, because They are well embarrassed by the same level.
- Purified from dirt and dust surface must be primed. For this purpose, it is recommended to use the strengthening impregnation, but if it is not, then any soil for concrete based on acrylic is suitable.
- Then you should wait until the impregnation dries and only after that carry out further work.
- Next, it is recommended to apply to the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe "primer", which improves the adhesion.
- While the impregnation dries, you can prepare a solution. This is done as follows:
- per kilogram of dry mixture take approximately 0.15-0.2 liters of water;
- mix a mixture with water in a predetermined container before receiving a homogeneous mass;
- then you need to withstand a solution of about five minutes and mix well again. After that, the levelover can be read ready for use.
When the solution is ready, it is necessary to start laying as quickly as possible. It is recommended to do at a temperature of +5 to + 25 degrees. Stacking sequence as follows:
- Estate lighthouses in the form of direct wooden rails and metal profiles. The distance between them should be about one meter.
- To lay the solution on the surface and to dissolve through the beacon with the help of the rule.
- Wait a day, take out the lighthouses, and the remaining cavity after them to fill in the same level.