Yellow stains on the ceiling: why arise how to get rid of Ceilings

Yellow spots on the ceiling occur unexpectedly and, of course, spoil the situation in the apartment with their unpleasant view. This is a fairly frequent problem for residents of apartment buildings. But there are many ways to combat such a problem. Read more about them.
Causes of the emergence and methods of elimination
There is a huge number of factors due to which stains arise on the ceiling. Here are some of them and eliminate them:
- the protested roof is a problem for people who live on the latest floors of multi-storey houses. Residents of private houses are also often exposed to this attack;
- old pipeline that requires repair;
- the impact of factors such as smoke, soot, oil;
- neighbors from above that you were flooded due to inattention or negligence;
- room wet or raw;
- microcracks in the ceiling and walls.
In connection with these factors, rusty stains are formed, as well as the occurrence of mold and fungus. This is a favorable environment for the formation of excess condensate and for distribution of dampness.
In this regard, of course, the question arises, how to remove the stain on the ceiling?
The easiest way is to paint stain stain. But after time it will definitely stick back. So get rid of spots for a long time with this method - not an option. Finally, only repairs will help with stains. First of all, it is necessary to eliminate the cause of stains.
For this:
- Spend a thorough inspection of the affected area.
- Install, because of which it might not be stained.
- Prevent the possibility of its re-manifestation.
Only after you decide the problem with the source of the appearance of the spot, you can start eliminating and it yourself.
The reason for the appearance and type of spots affect the method that will be used when dealing with it.
If such stains occur after recent repairs, and you are not yet ready for a new one, it is necessary to correct a separate problematic area.
Stains on the ceiling after flooding
Before proceeding with work, be sure to protect the skin of the hands using rubber gloves.
- In the basin pour a chlorine solution for greater convenience.
- It is necessary to moisten in it a sponge, then squeeze.
Next, work begins directly with the stain processing.
- We apply a moistened "whiteness" foam rubber to the problematic area and 4-5 seconds hold it in one place.
- So continue to act with each of the parts of the zone affected by the spot.
- After several such applying, the sponge must be dipped again into the liquid and press.
Over time, the sponge becomes dark yellow. So, it is necessary to simply replace the sponge to the new and continue processing the problem area.
So it is necessary to act as long as you do not achieve spotlights. In case the spot was gone, waiting for the ceiling surface. It will be possible to work on only if the stain has become much lighter than it was before we conduct procedures. If the stain remains, work with the lightening of the spots should be continued until you achieve the necessary results.
Relief from oil spots
This process will bring a lot of trouble, because the oil is thoroughly absorbed into the plaster. Even if you get rid of the layer of lime, after which the ceiling is sharpened and scratch it a large number of times, then oil spots still can overlook you again. To get rid of the stains, it is worth performing the steps described below.
- A plot that is struck by such pollution, first of all, will be reps from external dirt and dust.
- After cleaning the top layer, the ceiling needs to be thoroughly projected. The primer of deep penetration is applied evenly and remains untouched until it does not dry.
- Skin the ceiling. Water-emulsion paint in this case is the optimal option. We transfix it into a special container, dip the roller and look at the plot with a stain until it is hidden completely.
If the roller does not help, then use a brush for a deeper score. If the stain is still shifting, you need to apply an additional layer of paint. After four days after painting, it is possible to repair the ceiling.
Fighting spots from rust
Such defects are easy to eliminate with the help of civilian primer, in commoner - "grass". It is possible to make it at home in this way:
- We dilute the copper vigor in 1 liter of water.
- The solution that was formed, mix.
- We dissolve separately bone glue and fall asleep 25 grams of household soap, which must be finally grated.
- We add to the mixture of 40 grams of olifa.
- Before using the solution, we will be divorced with liquid in a ratio of 1:10.
- With special care we carry out the processing of stains with a cooked mixture.
- Let him be prey to dry.
- When the stain is dry, we apply a layer of hydrophobic putty.
Thus, we block the stain and neutralize the ability to penetrate the surface.
- Not less than a day waiting until the putty dries.
- On top of the dried putty, we apply acrylic primer.
- Next, paint enamel and, again, we expect a complete drying.
- As the final stage, the ceiling can be scratched yet and paint, which it was painted initially.
In the fight against rusty spots, a wonderful weapon will be a solution of copper sulfate. He is typical of the bright blue shade. But after processing the surface of the ceiling, a green-drying tint is observed.
The spot surface is processed several times at the intervals of 3-4 hours (in order for the surface of the sink). After that, the problem area is harvested by acrylic primer.
Stains from smoke and soot
Soot of fireplaces and candles, smoke from cigarettes - all this forms yellow stains. He will cope with the dry sponge. The use of a sponge that is impregnated with water is not reasonably because water can absorb the surface of the ceiling.
- First of all, it is necessary to prepare a solution for cleansing. To do this, you need to mix 1 tablespoon of sodium orthophosphate and 3.5 liters of warm water.
- The resulting solution is applied on a stain uniform press on a sponge.
- We repeat the procedure for such a number of times that you will need to disappear.
If the stain disappeared not completely, then the oil primer will finally help it.
After fresh repairs
Oil paint comes to the rescue. This is an excellent tool in the fight against stains that have arisen on the ceiling, which is quite recently painted. Just apply several layers of paint to the surface of the stain.
After such actions, a glossy defill that has a shade, which does not correspond to the surface of the ceiling can occur. In this case, the glossy paint is applied another layer - the one that was used for painting the entire ceiling.
When carrying out all these repair procedures, it is necessary to remember the mandatory use of protective equipment. Must with their help should be skin bodies, eyes, head and respiratory tract.
It is also worth paying attention to the fundamentally different tactics in the fight against stains:
- removing the affected area with a spatula and other tools;
- the use of deep penetration primer;
- using ceiling tiles;
- installation of stretch ceilings.
Elimination of spots on the stretch ceiling
In the building materials market, most stretch ceilings are equipped with a protective coating. It protects not only from the settlement of dust, and even from such problems as the formation of mold and the development of microbes. But still there are unforeseen circumstances, due to which stains arise on the stretch ceiling. Of course, you can contact the Ceiling Repair Company, but you can try to cope with the problem and independently.
Credit with contamination on such a surface will be helped by a fatty clay or a five percent solution of soda calcined:
- A little such a mixture is applied to a plot with pollution and wait for its complete drying.
- Wash all warm water.
- We repeat the procedure if the stain from the first time was completely completely removed.
If after these actions the ceiling did not look perfect, then the help of water paint comes to the rescue. Covered it as an affected spot, and the whole ceiling. Depending on your desire and opportunities.
Spots bring unexpected troubles into our lives. But it is not so difficult, using these methods, get rid of them once and forever. But after such procedures do not have to look at the ceiling in anticipation of the shots back on the surface, as it happens after an ordinary painting.
If it is carefully refer to the surface of the ceiling and get rid of the contaminants in a timely manner, then its surface will be perfect for many more years.